Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Zayda Cruz Hernandez
(123) 456-7890


A hard worker, Can talk well with kids, A quick learner


was a part of the HOMECOMING SKIT for the class of 2019  


pioneer VALLEY high school

class of 2019
in 10 th grade


no awards

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

dream job

  My dream job is to  own a clothing store and sell clothes that i have designed. If i were to own my own  clothing store i would make $100,000 a year. I would need a degree in marketing or businesses to be able to run my store and  i would need experience in designing clothes.
  My plane to make so i get my  dream job. First get a job at a clothing store to see how the work is and to see what kind of work goes into keeping a store ruining.  Then i would start saving up my money so i can bye the store i want. I would also start taking classes like clothing and design and also work on getting my degree in marketing or businesses  

Related image

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


What i think it means to be a responsible adult in the 'real world'.  To do things wen there meant to be done at a job if your work is not done in time they can fire you. To know your limits so that you don't over work your self and so you don't have so much fun that you do something you will regret later. If you make a promise or a deal to do what you said  you'd do if you don't that shows that your word cant be trusted.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Hachet and Cast away

   Being stranded in the wilderness can test a person's mind. It can also be life changing. Hatchet a novel written by Gary Paulsen, is about a thirteen- year- old boy named Brian who is stranded in the Canadian wilderness. Cast away is a film about a man named Chuck who is stranded on a tropical island. Both Brian and Chuck use survival techniques to face there challenges.
   Both Brian and Chuck had decided to live after attempting suicide. Brian attempted suicide after a plane that was looking for him did not see the fire he made. As he saw the plane leave, he lost all hope. Paulson writes" Brian took his hatchet there had been nothing for him then and he tried to become nothing but the cutting had been hard to do"(Paulson,116). For Brian, this is the turning point in the story. If Brian had not attempted suicide, he would not have changed and survived. Chuck had attempted suicide after he had been on the island for some time. Chuck hade made a rope to hang himself. To see if the rope could stand his weight, he made a wooden person to hang to test the rope. Chuck felt like all he did, he did wrong, and that he could not even kill himself the wright way (cast away). Chuck had tested what he was going to use to kill himself and it failed, he thought I cant kill myself. So He decided that he would not die. For both Brian and Chuck it took attempting to kill themselves to see that they have a reason to live and survive.
      A difference between Brian and Chuck is that Chuck had a"friend to talk to" and Brian had no one to talk to. At the beginning of the story, he had the pilot. He ended up losing the pilot, because of a hart attack. Paulsen writes"Brian had to think about what happened in the roaring plain with no pilot he was alone"(Paluson,12). To Brian, the pilot was the only other person with him and had just died. Chuck had been on a Fed-ex plain with other pepole: two pilots and a friend. The plain had started jerking around and then the plain dove into the ocean. He ended up on a island. Later on he got a volleyball and named it Wilson. Fore years later Chuck had been stuck on the island. Chuck would have conversations arguments with Wilson like he was a real person(Cast away). He would treat Wilson like that because, to Chuck, he was the only other 'person' on the island. Brian and Chuck are different, because Brian had to survive by himself and Chuck had Wilson to survive with. No mater how many times Brian and Chuck got knocked down, they got back up. Whatever you want will not be given to you . You have to try and survive for yourself.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


1.       Introduction= TAG (Title, Author, Genre)

A.      Topic Sentence= What we are going to focus on
being stranded in the wilderness can test a persons mind. it can also be life changing for a person 
B.      Hatchet
Hatchet, a novel written by Gary Paulsen, is about a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian who is stranded in the Canadian wilderness.
C.       Cast Away
Cast Away is a film about a man named Chuck who is stranded on a tropical island.
D.      Thesis

a.       Both Brian and Chuck use survival techniques to face their challenges.

2.       Similarities= Two things that are the same that Chuck and Brian do
A.      Topic Sentence= both Brian and chuck had decided to live after attempting suicide.    
B.      Hatchet similarity (2 sentences) Brian attempted suicide after a plane that was looking for him had not seen the fire he made. as he saw the plane leave he at that point had lost all the hope he had. 
a.       Quote (author, page number, “ “)Brian took his hatchet "here had been nothing for him then and he tried to be come nothing but the cutting had been hard to do" (Paulsen, 116
b.       Explanation (tell me why the quote is important)For Brian this is the turning point in the story. If Brian had not attempted killing him self he would not have changed and not have seen that he wants to tell how he survived.
C.      Cast Away similarity (2 sentences)chuck had attempted suicide after he had been on the island for some time. chuck had maid rope to hang him self so to see if the rope could stand his weight he made a wooden person to hang to test the rope.  
a.       Paraphrase (in your own words, name of film) chuck had felt like all he did he did wrong and thought he could not even kill him self the wright way.(castaway,2010) 
b.       Explanation (tell me why you included this)chuck had tested what he was going to  use to kill him self and wene it faild he thought i cant kill my self so he decided that i wont die i will live and see my girlfriend Kelly.
D.      Conclusion= wrap it up. Finish the comparison  for both Brian and chuck for them it took attempting to kill them self's to see that they do have a reason to live and survive for chuck he wants to see his girlfriend Kelly for Brian he wanted to live to tell his dad what he had to do. hey decided they were stronger then that.

3.       Differences= Two things that are different that Chuck and Brian do
A.      Topic Sentence= What we are going to focus on  A difference between Brian and chuck is chuck had a "friend to talk to" and Brian had no one to talk to .  
B.      Hatchet similarity (2 sentences) Brian had no one to talk to but at the beginning of the story he had the pilot. he ends up losing the pilot of a hart attack. 
a. Quote (author, page number, “ “) brian had to think about what happened "in the roaring plain with no pilot he was alone"(paluson,12)
b. Explanation (tell me why the quote is important)to brian the pilot the only other person with him had gust died the person that was fliying the plain he was that person keeping him safe was died.
C.      Cast Away similarity (2 sentences)chuck had been on a fed ex plain with other people two pilots and a friend. the plain had been flying gust fine then the plain had started jerking around and then the plain dove into the ocean. he ended up on a island later on he got a volleyball he named it Wilson.  
                                                             a.      Paraphrase (in your own words, name of film)  four years chuckhad been stuck on the island. chuck would have conversations and arguments with Wilson like he was a real person ( cast away).
                                                             b.      Explanation (tell me why you included this)  he would threat wilson like that becous to chuck he was the only other 'person' on the islond. 

D.      Conclusion= wrap it up. Finish the comparison  Brian and chuck are different because Brian had no one and  Chuck had Wilson. 

4.       Conclusion= Final thoughts
A.      Restate your thesis: Brian and Chuck both use survival techniques to face their challenges.

B.      Any final thoughts, comments, comparisons (2 sentences)  no mater how meany times Brian and Chuck got knocked down the got back up. what ever you whant will not just be given to you you have to try and get them

         Being stranded in the wilderness can test a persons mind. It can also be life changing for a person. Hatchet, a novel written by Gary Paulsen, is about a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian who is stranded in the Canadian wilderness. Cast Away is a film about a man named Chuck who is stranded on a tropical island. Both Brian and Chuck use survival techniques to face their challenges. 
          Both Brian and chuck had decided to live after attempting suicide. Brian attempted suicide after a plane that was looking for him had not seen the fire he made. As he saw the plane leave he at that point had lost all the hope he had. Brian took his hatchet "here had been nothing for him then and he tried to be come nothing but the cutting had been hard to do" (Paulsen, 116). For Brian this is the turning point in the story. If Brian had not attempted killing him self he would not have changed and not have seen that he wants to tell how he survived. chuck had attempted suicide after he had been on the island for some time. chuck had maid rope to hang him self so to see if the rope could stand his weight he made a wooden person to hang to test the rope. chuck had felt like all he did he did wrong and thought he could not even kill him self the wright way.(castaway). chuck had tested what he was going to  use to kill him self and wen it faild he thought i cant kill my self so he decided that i wont die i will live and see my girlfriend Kelly. For both Brian and chuck for them it took attempting to kill them self's to see that they do have a reason to live and survive. 
           A difference between Brian and chuck is chuck had a "friend to talk to" and Brian had no one to talk to. Brian had no one to talk to but at the beginning of the story he had the pilot. He ends up losing the pilot because he has a hart attack. Brian had to think about what happened "in the roaring plain with no pilot he was alone"(paluson,12). To Brian the pilot the only other person with him had just died.  Chuck had been on a fed ex plain with other people two pilots and a friend. The plain had started jerking around and then the plain dove into the ocean. He ended up on a island later on he got a volleyball he named it Wilson.   Four years chuck had been stuck on the island. Chuck would have conversations and arguments with Wilson like he was a real person ( cast away). He would threat wilson like that becous to chuck he was the only other 'person' on the islond.  Brian and chuck are different because Brian had to survive all by himself and  Chuck had Wilson to survive with. 

Friday, March 3, 2017


when Brian first crashed the first thing he thought of was his dad,mom and the secret but latter he would think of things like a teacher he had always seen the positive in things so he dictated to try an see the positive in things. he would remember different things he learned in school like to make a fire you need the fuel the sparks and oxygen. flash backs some times more bad than good for Brian because some times he would remember his moms cooking and that would make his hunger worse.
 at around the end of the story the flash backs don't happen as often but when they do he remembers how he was at first and how he  is now.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Dear Brian,

I miss you kiddo i am so excited to see you we are going to have so much fun. I know the divorce  was hard on you i do love your mom but not as i did before i hope you understand that .I want you to know you can talk to me whenever you want i am here for you kiddo.
You have been missing for 4 or 5 days and i hope and pray you are alive and that they find you soon. Your mom is so sad and afraid she has not been sleeping very well. 
I  know they will find you i have hope in you son you are smarter and stronger  than you think. I love you son and so does your mom and we will do what ever it will tack to find you.

     your father

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

my method to survive a week of school is to do my work on time and if i need to ask for more time. if i don't understand the work i ask for help don;t be shy to ask teachers are there to help its there job. if there is something fun going on at school and it is interesting to me i will join to have fun. if i have to have a all nigher i will first do what i need to get don at home and then get a glass of ice cool water or any thing that will keep me awake if it does not have coffee or will stunt my growth  i am  already short and do my work. i have to have food or else i will be hangry all day and i alwase make time for my self so i can re lacks.
I do enjoy high school pe can feel like hell but it is mostly fun wen we play sports and activitys in the gym. the foot ball games are so fun to go and cheer on your school its even beater wen we win. There  are so many different clubs a person can join some proforma in front of the students of the school. making friends can be easy if you are nice and talk to other people. i like that i make my own chooses on what classes i could take. school helps you so you can do what you want to do wen you get older.

Monday, January 30, 2017


i was 13 or 14 years old i had found out i had something that would change me. ween i had found out what i had i was no longer as care free, out going and i was a lot more shy. my family had notated the change i would isolate  my self from them. after a log time like that i had started getting help that was the beast chose i have ever made in my life. i was starting to be more like my old self. even tho i was getting beater i was never the very same girl i still isolate my self but not as much as i would before.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

WW1 project

one of the causes of world wore one was the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand
in June 1914  Serbian nationalist terrorist group called the black hand sent a group to assassinate the archduke  

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


if I was stranded in the Canadian wilderness I would survive for maybe 2 or 3 months. I would see what I need. After that I would see what supplies I already have and how it is use full. if I cant fined a weapon I would try to make a bow and arrow. I would fined a place to make a shelter and a fire and were there is a fresh body of water.