Tuesday, December 6, 2016

phineas gage review

gage was working and had got a tamping iron threw his face he went to the doctors he did what he could. gage got beater fiscally but he started acting different than he did before the accident. he was able to live a normal life he had a job he lived on his own but he did died I think 40 years later.

dr. Harlow was the local doctor for the town that gage was from. I think Harlow was interested in gages case because it was the firs case that he new that someone with such an injury was alive and could still move and do what he could before. also that he wanted to help and see if he could Mack sire he would not die rite away from the injury it was his job but he did it to help.

I learned that if you damage siren parts of your brain that it can affect you in the worst way possible and the affects can be permanent or they can go away or the affects can be made miner with help from doctors. what interest me about the brain is how it is so difficult to understand or to finger   out how the brain works and what starts up parts of the brain.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

what interest me

a lot of things interest me but what interest me the most is music. The word music means different things to different people. to me the word music means so many things a way to express your feelings or it can change the way you feel. Musician inspire people that do what you want it doesn't mater what people say its your life not there's. The risen music interest me because I had bad depression and I felt like no one  knew how I feel that I was alone and I didn't madder to any one but one day I started lessening to twenty one pilots and I felt like there are people that know how I feel that I was not alone  but that Is wen I realized music is a way to experts myself  but I have loved and have ben interested in music for as long I can remember.

a link to the song that I first lysine to from twenty one pilots
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Wednesday, November 30, 2016


in class we watched a movie about dizzies. the movie shows that dizzies can spread very easily

Sunday, November 27, 2016


thanksgiving was pretty good kina boring I was forced to make food with my mom like every fudging year after making food I have to clean the table and the chicane and the react of the house with some help. ones done with the house I had to get dressed wen people started arriving me and my cozen have to tack karee of there kids.I got the little kids they would not listen they some how fond glitter and covered me in it I had took a 2 min nap they found my makeup and put it on me during my nap wen I woke up I looked like the inside of a 1 year olds coloring book my mom wold not stop laughing. I had to clean my face with water and shop it was hard af to tack off  and the glitter was the worst parte I have ben sizing glitter for the past few days it will stop by the time I go back to school. the day after thanksgiving we still had a small party it was a lot  more fun I didn't have to tack care of kids .
Image result for thanksgiving

Image result for Funny Thanksgiving Memes

Friday, November 18, 2016


in the 18th and 19th century a wound would have pus and red the person would feel sore or a sharp pain people were at risk of infection. After surgery people would usually dye because the doctors would not wash there hands and would use dirty tools. people would not stay to recover in the hospital they would go to tents and barracks to recover. a man named Louis Pasteur had ben the first doctor to do surgery with clean tools, hands and a sterol environment. a wail after he invented as machine that spread carbolic acid in the air to keep the environment sterol during surgery   

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday 11/15/16 living with half of a brain

Cameron is a little girl that at three years old had gotten very bad seizers 10 times a day. Her parents had to make a hared chose but they chose what they that what was beast. I feel like most kids would be sad and scared . I would be sad that I had to lose some thing, I would be scared that I mite not be able to use a part of my body stay paralyzed. Jessie is another girl that also hade bad seizers she had them till she was 6 she had the same surgery that Cameron hade it has bean a few years since the surgery she is 14. I think cam is a very smart, athletic and has a vary bubbly personality she is still the same girl she was but one of her hands is still paralyzed. cam shows that no mater what you can still active anything you put your mind to no matter what happens. Cameron and Jessie are very amazing girls.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

wednesday 11/9/16

What was Phineas thing of wen he was throwing up some of his brain was he scared , shocked or gust freaking out? In the story I am reading he acted like nothing heaped and wanted to go back to work. If Phineas doctor would he let Phineas die if he would have listed to what other doctors had to say about Phineas case or would he still try and see if Phineas would serve

Image result for brain clip art

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

PG response 1

1. what have you learned about the brain?
cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. parietal lobe is what makes the parts of your body move .
frontal lobe is the part of the brain that makes up your personality and hoe you are

2. what do you find the most interesting about the Phineas gage case?
that his case hade helped scientist learn more about the brain. how his personality changed completely after his accident. that how right after the accident happened he acted like nothing happened.        

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

this is my second class using blogger. I am going to be righting for my English class.    

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


1. Discoveries and inventions helped peoples lead better lives.
2. lives became harder for the people how worked in the factories.
3. imperialism is the search for more land and power.
3, nationalism is to unite under their own flags.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

what i learne from my blog

what I learned from starting this blog is how to express my self throw writing a lot beater then before. before I would freak out when the theater would write about what we learned  now I don't freak out a lot like I did. that I what I learned from my log.    

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

the biggest mistake i ever made

the biggest mistake I ever made was when I was 10. I thought doing a  séance would be fun NOT AT ALL  my house ended up being haunted   by a little girl. I would see her at night staring at me. what is the biggest mistake you ever made.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

smart or strong

what would you rather be the smartest person in the world or the strongest in the world.  

Monday, February 29, 2016


I am not a part of ffa but I am lurning about ffa. ther was ffa week they had a tractor  pull contest it looked like fun. I am lurning the ffa creed it is a little hard but I have lurned the second paragraph.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I have A.D.D. I don’t know what the full name for it is but I know it is an attention disorder. I uses to think it made me duma and it held me back from learning. Now I know it doesn’t make me duma it just means it takes me more time to learn thane others it will hold me beak only if I let it. People are going to tell you can’t do it you can’t be one of them.

Friday, February 5, 2016

high school

Whenever I heard the word high school I would think of bulling, a lot of test or home work in other words hell. Now I think of school as friends, school dances and fun. I still get home work and test but it is not as bad as I thot.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sports what do you like about sports. What I like about sports is it brings family’s together like my family go’s for Mexico in saucer when they make a goal they go crazy .sports can also show how some family members are different like I go for use in saucer and my family goes for Mexico so when they go agents one another it is different I cheer when use makes a goal  and my family cheer when Mexico makes a goal. At the end it doesn’t matter how won or lost. Comment what your favorite sport is